why lemon + ginger won’t help your flu
why is abdominal pain not like normal pain?
herbs for stroke recovery
which herbs are scientifically backed to improve stroke recovery and stroke outcomes? what is involved in stroke recovery? and which herbs interact with anticoagulants and blood pressure medication?
the (misunderstood) truth about both st john’s wort and depression
do we need a ‘cleanse’ or can the body do it itself?
How your allergies are tied to estrogen (and why red clover is the answer)
adrenal fatigue ‘does not exist’…?
(the right way) to hormone balance with herbs
horsetail; your forgotten fascia; and your body’s blueprint.
a difficult, overprescribed herb : agnus castus
oral health is (and always was) the new gut health
are some parasites good for me?
why the amyloid plaque hypothesis of alzheimer’s is wrong; your senses, your metabolism, and herbs on cognitive decline.
Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline are primarily a metabolic issue, with poor senses, vascular health and systemic inflammation being issues that add to the decline.