do we need a ‘cleanse’ or can the body do it itself?

‘Detoxes’ and ‘cleanses’ claim that they can ‘detox’ the liver, and the simple reason that’s not true is that there isn’t anything in the liver to be detoxed. It doesn’t store toxins. And the toxins that are processed by the liver? They just leave, through the skin , through sweat, through the urine, through faeces, through vomit or diahhorea if the body has to. The liver’s not the only ‘detox’ organ, and every organ and cell in your body is working 24/7 to repel toxins. 

You’d know if your body couldn’t detox something; you’d be quite acutely sick. 

However, it is true that we’re exposed to more toxins than ever before, and this is a burden, and this can overwhelm our (highly capable) detox systems at some point. This is undeniable, it’s at this point that we see hormone imbalances from inefficienct breakdown.

It seems like a dichotomy - what’s the truth? 

let’s look at the basic functions of the liver : 

  • blood filtering 

  • metabolising through bile production (which breaks down fats)

  • creating proteins

  • storing vitamins 

  • converting glucose into stored glycogen 

  • processing of haemoglobin back into iron to be used

  • clearing toxins

and about 500 more .. but you can see why liver health is integral. 

It’s also important to remember that the liver is one of the most robust and resilient organs in our body 

It’s one of the only three organs in the body that can regenerate from damage rather than simply scar (the other 2 being nails and endometrial tissue). It can regenerate close to original size even after 90% of it has been removed, and it can do this within a month. 

Whilst we don’t need to forcefully ‘cleanse’ and angrily take over the job of our organs, we do need to support their function, we do need to remove the blockages in the way of their proper function, we need to be good co-workers, not an impatient manager. 

So, on that note, how do we actually improve detoxification function? 

  1. removing hinderances

  2. adding protective substances 

Removing hinderances -the first principle of medicine, ‘first do no harm’

  • removing obviously damaging foods like processed foods. Despite the never-ending debate over food, there are obviously and indisputably damaging foods. 

  • removing environmental chemicals to a reasonable point, such as in lotions, soaps, skincare products etc..  

  • solving sleep issues

  • removing stagnancy with regular movement

  • solving dehydration (possibly with adding salt / lime to water)  

Adding protective substances -herbs and food

  • sulfuraphane producing vegetables 

  • vegetables high in fibre 

  • ‘cleansing’ herbs like burdock (i use this word lightly)

  • berberine containing herbs 

how do ‘cleansing herbs’ work? 

  • promoting increased bile flow

  • promoting detoxification enzymes like CP450 in the liver 

  • diuretics that promote expelling of waste through urination like dandelion leaf and nettle leaf 

  • improving lymphatic circulation (and therefore removal of waste) like calendula and cleavers

  • balancing or feeding gut flora like marshmallow root or herbs high in inulin

  • improving digestive enzymes such as ginger and black pepper

  • reducing inflammation 

and why berberine? 

berberine is an alkaloid found in some plants like Berberis which has been shown to support maintenance of liver function and regulating liver enzymes. It also positively benefits the gut microbiome and strengthens the intestinal barrier. 

more about ‘detox enzymes’

‘detox enzymes’ are known as such because they re directly involved in the metabolic processes that convert toxic substances into less harmful or more easily excreted forms, these can include; 

  • CP450 enzymes

  • glutathione

  • NAC’s 

you can also get glutathione (and its precursors) from broccoli , garlic, onion, avocado, tomatoes, cauliflower, beans 

check out this TEDED talk that talks more on this :


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