are some parasites good for me?

It’s eclipse season, and a full moon, and the conversation around parasites is resurfacing again - so let’s clear the confusion. 

Are parasites beneficial? Do you need to do a parasite cleanse? (and what is it with full moons and parasites?) 

Short answer : no, you don’t 

Long answer : depends on how you feel 

We’ve co-evolved with parasites for thousands of years. Some say that our immune systems have actually been shaped by them, and we therefore need them at some point. Some parasites can actually be beneficial for you, and commonly, after the clear-up, most people’s immune systems are stronger for having had the parasites. 

here’s some beneficial parasite links we know about;

  • Some helminthic can be used to modulate the immune system in autoimmune conditions like crohn’s and MS 

  • Toxoplasma gondii is said to be responsible for our collective adoration of cats 

  • Blastocystis can increase gut microbiome diversity and be prebiotic, and low levels have been linked with autoimmunity, chronic conditions and colorectal cancer 

Most people will have some form of parasite, like bacteria, they can just be part of a healthy organism, alive and part of nature. 

Sometimes, however, the parasites are not so easy to live with and create uncomfortable imbalances and symptoms that a feel unrelated to parasites (like teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, anemia, and joint pain).

That’s the point where you’d want to do a parasite cleanse; when you have unexplainable and uncomfortable symptoms and have confirmed that it is parasites. 

Make sure the symptoms you’re experiencing ARE parasites through a stool test first, many of the symptoms of parasites can also be IBD or other digestive issues and the harsh nature of a parasite cleanse could upset this further. 

You don’t need to buy anything crazy or fancy. The basics of a parasite cleanse include; 

  • raw carrots and pumpkin seeds 

  • garlic and oregano (antimicrobial) 

  • wormwood + clove + black walnut hull tinctures everyday (very strong parasite-killing)

  • avoiding sugar (they eat sugar)

as for the approach, you’ll typically want to keep going for 2 weeks or more -even if your symptoms improve- to ensure eggs and all have been killed. Keep your *uhum* bum clean so the eggs can’t hatch. Try using a clean calendula cream or coconut oil.

once you’ve finished (and you are certain you had parasites, and that they’re gone -you’ll likely see them in your stools), you’d typically need to restore minerals that the critters depleted such as zinc and selenium; rebuild the gut lining; rebuild gut microbial balance (as the antimicrobial plants are not selective in what they kill) 

Now, what is it with the parasite conversation trending around the full moon? Your body responds to a full moon; melatonin (seems to) drop around the full moon (which is why we can get restless, insomnia, or a bit manic). Lower melatonin levels mean your body’s immunity is lower, allowing the parasites to breed and re-infest easier. 

As well as this, folkloric and anecdotal tradition describe parasite activity increasing around the full moon -laying eggs, moving, re-infesting etc.. that’s why people say it’s the best time to do a parasite cleanse, because they’re supposed to be more susceptible. 


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